When asking the question, who needs Anti-Slip treatments for tiles, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. At Slip No More, the answer to that question is simple… EVERYONE! We have been in the industry long enough and always take global trends into account when developing new products.
For FREE information, contact us at sales@slipnomore.com.
Far too often, we deal with customers who contact us after they have experienced a slip, trip & fall and when we ask them which Non-Slip flooring product or Anti-Slip treatment products they have used on their floors, the answer is an embarrassed “none”. Anti-Slip products are not something that people generally think about or worry about, unfortunately, until it is too late.
Anti-Slip Treatments for tiles – Ceramic
Over the years, we have become specialists in manufacturing Anti-Slip Treatments for Ceramic Tiles. Although the method of manufacturing Ceramic tiles has changed slightly, they are still slippery when they are wet. In modern days, there are so many types of Ceramic tiles on the market, that it has become easier to determine which Ceramic tiles need an Anti-Slip treatment.
With more than 15 years of experience with manufacturing with Anti-Slip treatments for Ceramic tiles, we have adapted and evolved our formulas so that our Anti-Slip treatments can fix the slipperiest of ceramic tiles.
For FREE information, contact us at sales@slipnomore.com
Anti-Slip Treatment for tiles – Porcelain
Porcelain tiles have always been the tile that requires the most amount of attention and that’s why we have worked so hard on creating the perfect Anti-Slip treatment for Porcelain tiles. While they look great and are available in hundreds of different sizes, they are still the deadliest in terms of how much slip resistance they have.
How does this affect us?
We all believe in maintaining our places to their best condition. Regardless of that whether the place is your house or office, you like them decorated and plain attractive. For this reason, it is necessary that you do not forget to consider the floors. Apart from making your floors attractive, it is crucial to make them safe. In general, people are taking floor safety more seriously and we are glad that publications like The Spruce have worked on educating the public about slippery floors. In their most recent Slippery Floor article, they speak about how slippery Ceramic and Porcelain tiles are.
For FREE information, contact us at sales@slipnomore.com
There are so many public areas that need Anti-Slip treatment for tiles, and while we are doing everything we can to advise building owners on how dangerous their floors are, it is still up to the public to create awareness by reporting Slip and Fall accidents.
Photo credit Anna Sullivan
Written by Dean C.Strydom
Want to learn more about how to improve your floor safety CLICK HERE