While we would never set out to tell you it simply doesn’t happen. The fact of the matter the cause behind many “slips” and accidents is not the abandoned banana peel. Slip No More are experts in the field of anti-slip coatings for your protection. As well as other preventative anti-slip measures to ensure the protection and wellbeing of our customers. Anti-slip coating and other treatments from Slip No More not only meet but exceed co-efficient of friction requirements laid out by US and European safety standards.
This also reflects our attitude with regard to the quality of our products and customer service. We aim not just to meet requirements and expectations but to exceed them! Our products are tasked with the massive responsibility of keeping people safe and free of harm. Our anti-slip coating products have their place as its rarely just wet and damp floors that account for slipping and injury in the home and workplace. Clutter, improper cleaning and maintenance, as well as the build-up of grease can contribute significantly to slips and trips.
For large organizations or places such as gyms, this can be a civil nightmare as failure to employ adequate preventative measures could cost you a pretty penny in lawsuits. Does your home or company have stairs, ramps, and tiles? If so, why not make use of our quality, long-lasting products that have the ability to keep you protected for the foreseeable future?
Anti-slip coating for your protection
Our company has the experience to know that no two surfaces are alike. Having catered to the retail, commercial, industrial and domestic market means we have had to do work on a range of different floors and surfaces. The success of our anti-slip coating for your protection treatments is courtesy of their ability to account for just about any surface, including slippery stairs, slippery ramps, boats, playgrounds, gyms, and others. Not only are the nature and function of the floors different, but the materials will vary too. This is why our anti-slip flooring solutions have had to prove themselves on a number of surfaces, including:
And many more!
Still not convinced about the importance of anti-slip floors? Take a look at this horrific statistic from the NSFI.
According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), floors and flooring materials contribute directly to more than 2 million fall injuries each year.
The reason why you need an anti-slip coating for your protection is which kind of injuries could result from your common slip? Well, have a look at some of these toe-curling consequences!
- Bruises
- Cuts, loss of blood
- Broken bones
- Musculoskeletal injuries
- Back injuries
- Concussion
- Fatality
Contact us
As a final word, we would like to make it clear that our products offer a transparent form of protection. Meaning they will retain the aesthetic value of your floors upon application! So for more information on some of these “ground-breaking” products and services. Please contact us today!